Spalloc: SpiNNaker machine allocation client ============================================ Spalloc is a Python library and set of command-line programs for requesting SpiNNaker_ machines from a spalloc `server`_. .. _SpiNNaker: .. _server: Quick-start ----------- **Step 1: Install spalloc**:: $ pip install spalloc **Step 2: Write a configuration file** indicating your email address and the spalloc server's address (run ``python -m spalloc.config`` to discover what to call your config file on your machine):: [spalloc] hostname = my_server owner = **Step 3: Request a system** using the command-line interface, e.g. a three-board machine:: $ spalloc 3 .. image:: _static/spalloc.gif :alt: Animated GIF showing the typical execution of a spalloc call. ...or request one from :py:class:`Python `... :: >>> from spalloc_client import Job >>> with Job(3) as j: ... my_boot(j.hostname, j.width, j.height) ... my_application(j.hostname) .. note:: When a machine is allocated it is powered on but not booted: that is up to you. If Rig_ is installed on your system the ``spalloc`` commandline tool provides a ``--boot`` option which will boot the allocated machine for you. .. note:: The dimensions of a machine may not be what you're used to and may change from allocation to allocation, even for the same number of boards. .. note:: When you're finished with the boards you were allocated, pressing enter (or exiting the ``with`` block in the Python version) will automatically shut them down and allow them to be used by others. .. _Rig: Configuration file format and defaults -------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spalloc_client.config ``spalloc``: Allocate SpiNNaker machines ---------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spalloc_client.scripts.alloc ``spalloc-job``: Manage and reset existing jobs and their boards ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spalloc_client.scripts.job ``spalloc-ps``: List all running jobs ------------------------------------- .. automodule:: ``spalloc-machine``: List available machines and their running jobs ------------------------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spalloc_client.scripts.machine ``spalloc-where-is``: Query the server for the physical/logical locations of boards/chips ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: spalloc_client.scripts.where_is Python library -------------- Spalloc provides a pair of Python libraries which enable basic high- and low-level interaction with a spalloc server. The high-level :py:class:`~spalloc_client.Job` interface makes the task of creating jobs (and keeping them alive) straight-forward but only facilitates basic job management functions such as resetting boards and getting their IP addresses. The low-level :py:class:`~spalloc_client.ProtocolClient` provides an RPC-like interface to the spalloc server enabling any spalloc server command to be sent. .. note:: These libraries are intentionally simplistic and may be unsuitable for very advanced applications. In such instances, users are encouraged to implement the spalloc server protocol_ in a manner better suited to their specific use-case. .. _protocol: High level interface (:py:class:`spalloc_client.Job`) ````````````````````````````````````````````````````` .. autoclass:: spalloc_client.Job :members: :special-members: .. autoclass:: spalloc_client.JobState :members: .. autoexception:: spalloc_client.JobDestroyedError .. autoexception:: spalloc_client.StateChangeTimeoutError Lower level interface (:py:class:`spalloc_client.ProtocolClient`) ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` .. autoclass:: spalloc_client.ProtocolClient :members: :special-members: .. autoexception:: spalloc_client.ProtocolTimeoutError Indicies and Tables ------------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`